Patents Granted (National)

2014S. Kahrobaee and M. Kashefi, “Determination of hardness profile and depth of hardened layer of induction hardened parts using nondestructive eddy current in mass production lines of steel components”, # 65732
2013I. A. Akhlaghi, A. Rajaian, I. Nazarian and S. M. Pournaghi, “Ultrasonic Radar”, #025927
2013A. Ziafati, I. Nazarian, I. A. Akhlaghi and M. Omrani, “Pointwise Debi Meter”, #029379
2013A. Rowhani, I. Nazarian, I. A. Akhlaghi and S. Salari, “Basic Robot to Use in Artificial Intelligence Projects”, #038733
2010S. Kahrobaee, M. Kashefi and A. Saheb Alam, “Determination of decarburising depth using nondestructive eddy current in industrial mass production of steel components”, # 65728
2010S. Kahrobaee and M. Kashefi, “Determination of hardness profile and depth of hardened layer of induction hardened parts using nondestructive eddy current in mass production lines of steel components”, # 65732